Kid-friendly Storage
Looking for easy kid-friendly storage? Reuse disposable mop cloth boxes as storage bins! They have a clear lid, stack great, and are easy to open – perfect for kids!
Looking for easy kid-friendly storage? Reuse disposable mop cloth boxes as storage bins! They have a clear lid, stack great, and are easy to open – perfect for kids!
This easy DIY craft is perfect for little hands on rainy days! Directions: Parents, mix together the following ingredients on the stove over medium heat for 1-2 minutes: 1/2 c. salt 1 c. flour 2 t. cream of tartar 1 c. water 1 T. oil food coloring Then have some fun with your family shaping […]
Turn an empty KiX box and your dust pan into a dust monster!
Make these yogurt pops for a sweet summer snack! They’re easy: Mix together yogurt, orange juice, and KiX. Then divide the mixture up into small paper cups, and stick a plastic spoon into the mix. Freeze, then enjoy.
What are your kids making dad for Father’s Day? Try shaving cream art!
It can be a challenge to get kids to brush their teeth for the recommended amount of time – a full 2 minutes. Here’s a tip: Try playing a song they love while they brush, and stop it when they should finish!
Be more creative this summer with KiX! To make these butterflies, take a sandwich bag and fill it halfway with KiX. Fold the bag closed, and tie it at its center with a pipe cleaner to make two wings. Clip on a clothespin decorated like a butterfly’s body, and you’ll have a KiX bug everyone […]
Do your kids love mini-science projects? Like if you think they’d like to make this fun goop! 1. Add a quarter size amount of glue in a disposable cup. 2. Add 2-3 TB liquid laundry starch and a drop of food coloring. 3. Mix with plastic spoon until mixture comes together into a goopy mass. […]
Do your kids love building forts? Keep this kit on hand for building a quick and easy outdoor fort.
Here’s a great game for your summer family road trip.