Family Photo Puzzle by @amandaformaro for Kix Cereal

Family Photo Puzzle Craft

While this project is just fun in general, it also makes a great gift for grandparents or other relatives. Adding a magnet sheet to the back of the puzzle before cutting the pieces is also a nice alternative turning this into a refrigerator activity! You can use a regular photograph or one that you print […]

kix cereal cardboard tube stackers

Cardboard Tube Stackers

Cardboard is, single-handedly, one of the best things that you can recycle into an awesome crafting material. It comes is so many shapes and sizes, and you’ll find you use them in so many every day things: cereal boxes, toilet paper tubes, paper towels, moving boxes … The list goes on and on! Here’s one […]

5 Fun DIY Toys and Games

Kids learn, experiment and grow through play—so imagine how much more creativity can happen if they’re making their playthings as well! Here are five fun projects that let children make DIY toys—and play with them too. 1. Sssssssnakey Craft by Krafty Kym 2013 was the Chinese Year of the Snake, so send it off with […]

Cardboard Tube Coiled Candy Cane by @amandaformaro for Kix Cereal

Cardboard Tube Candy Cane Decoration

I almost never throw away cardboard tubes. I have a drawer in my craft room filled with them because you can make so many things with a cardboard tube as the base! When you paint a cardboard tube and let it dry for about thirty minutes or so, it’s pliable and can be shaped if […]

DIY Cardboard Tube Building Logs

Building blocks are a great tool to encourage creativity and build motor skills. You can make these colorful logs yourself out of nothing more than your recycled toilet paper or paper towel cardboard tubes! Start by painting all the rolls fun colors. Once the rolls are dry cut out a notch on one or both […]

Build a YOXO car!

YOXO was founded by Play from Scratch on a simple, brilliant idea: What if we took the 19 billion cardboard tubes that are thrown away every year—and used them to fuel kid imaginations? See how you can use upcycled tubes to rev up some creativity!

10 Cardboard Tube Crafts

We all have cardboard tubes hanging around (you know the cardboard tube you’re left with after the toilet paper is gone), so why not turn them into something fun before recycling them?! Here are 10 craft ideas featuring a cardboard tube. 1) Animals Create an animal using paint, crayons, construction paper markers and/or googly eyes (basically, […]

Kid Craft: Fall Lawn Wind Ornaments

You’ve seen lawn ornaments all over the place and fall is just the start! Why not get the kids’ imagination going and create your own fall lawn ornament? It’s easy, fun and everyone will have fun creating this fun fall lawn ornament! You’ll  need: fan (and some sort of stand if your fan can’t point […]

Easy Camping Kids' Crafts

Whether you’re camping in the woods or in your own backyard these simple, fun camp crafts are a great way to keep little ones engaged and busy while enjoying the great outdoors! The campfire pit isn’t a place for kids to play, but they can make their own to roast as many pretend marshmallows as […]

Fall Finger Puppet Characters

Fall Leaves Finger Puppets

Has the weather started to get a little chilly where you live? If so, the leaves will be turning colors soon and begin to fall from the trees. Now is a great time to have your kids make some fun fall leaf finger puppets from If the leaves aren’t quite falling yet, she’ll show […]

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