
Kix Cereal

Mismatched Mitten DIY Puppets

Mismatched Mitten Puppets on kixcereal.com

As winter winds down you may find that you have several mismatched mittens hanging around. Instead of tossing them out, let’s create some super easy diy puppets to play with during those chilly or rainy days of spring.

DIY Monster Puppets

To make these fun puppets you will need:

For the eyes: pom poms or buttons
Glue dots or hot glue gun
Needle and thread (Parents make sure to supervise or sew for younger children)

recycled mitten craft

If your mittens have any designs on the outside, turn it inside out.

yarn hair for monster puppets

To make the hair, put four fingers together and wrap it around about 70 times (yes, 70!).

Loop yarn into a knot

Tie one side of the loop into a knot.

then cut yarn to create hair fray

Cut through the opposite side of the loops to open up the yarn.

puppet yarn hair for mitten puppets

This is what they should look like when you’re done. Put the mitten on your hand and decide where you want the hair to be. Mark it with a pen and remove the mitten from your hand. Parents: Use needle and thread to sew the hair onto the mitten. Alternatively, parents can also attach the hair with hot glue.

recycled buttons for puppet eyes

To make the eyes you can use pom poms or buttons. I used large white buttons and attached smaller dark blue buttons on as pupils using glue dots. For the pom pom eyes, I trimmed one side of the small black pom poms and glued them to the larger pom poms. You can sew the eyes on or a parent can attach them with a glue gun.

Project created by Amanda Formaro for Kix Cereal. Amanda is a well-known craft expert and has been writing and crafting on the Internet for over fifteen years. Find out more on her blog, Crafts by Amanda, where she shares tutorials with step-by-step photos for adults and kids alike.